In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful Shaykh Khalid Yasin, a former Christian, is the Executive Director of the Islamic Teaching Institute (ITI); a premier organisation dedicated to the work of Dawah. He has studied the Arabic language in Madina, Saudi Arabia and Cairo, Egypt and has had many mentors and teachers who tutored him in Fiqh us-Sunnah, Fiqh us-Seerah, Islamic History and the memorisation and recitation of the Holy Qur'an. In the past ten years, the ITI has delivered more than 5000 persons to Islam and an additional 1,476 since the September 11 Attacks. Shaykh Khalid Yasin delivered a lecture in Saudi Arabia in 1994 titled "The Purpose of Life", which resulted in 43 persons accepting Islam on that very night. Khalid Yasin constantly tours the world delivering lectures aimed at removing distortions about Islam and Muslims, conducting Dawah Training Courses, and providing new Muslims with a specially designed Islamic Training Program. Khalid Yasin is committed to raising the consciousness of the Muslims to fulfil the responsibility of Dawah and the establishment of Islamic revival, Insha'Allah.
Purpose of Life
What Is The Purpose of Life? Why are we here and where are we going? Through the verses of the Holy Qur’an, Shaykh Khalid Yasin expounds upon the creation of the universe and this amazing world we live in - and how it came to be. With his logical style of argument, the Shaykh answers these questions with much wisdom.
Mary the Mother of…?
What role does Mary, the mother of Jesus play in 3 of the worlds largest religions? An open forum with Shaykh Khalid Yasin Executive Director of the Islamic Teaching Institute (ITI) Robert Haddad Educator, St Charbel s College Rev. Andrew Katay Convener, Sydney Uni Anglican Chaplaincy
The Historical Jesus (DVD)
Its unbelieveable how a concept is forced upon the world, with their eyes WIDE open. and all the while they talk to their priests, go to church, read the bible.... but simply say that Trinity is a mystery that can not be explained... " And remember when Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam said: O children of Israel! I am the Rasool (Messenger) of Allah towards you, confirming the Torah which came before me, and to give you good news of a Rasool that will come after me whose name shall be Ahmed (another name of Muhammad, meaning 'The praised one'). But when he (Muhammad) came to them with clear signs, they said "This is plain magic." Surat As-Saff : Verse 6
Dawah Technique Course (DVD)
This 4 seminar series is without doubt, not only the best, but also the only Dawah course available to Muslims living in non-Muslims environments. Clear your mind and open your heart to accept what Shaykh Khalid teachers and implement it to further your own Dawah objectives and increase your Imaan Insha Allah.
From the Root to the Fruit (DVD)
By Khalid Yasin. A lecture in which Shaykh Khalid Yasin focuses primarily on the youth, taking them back to the heart of Islam - believing in the oneness of God and fearing Him wherever they may be. Khalid Yasin also advises the youth on ways to improve themselves and possibly become the defenders of Islam. The lecture also includes a short talk from World Champion Boxer Hajj Nasim Hamed. Khalid Yasin.
Love & Loyalty For Allah and His Messenger
In this lecture, Shaykh Khalid Yasin gives various examples of great companions who demonstrated true love and loyalty to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him). Whether it was through their personal lives, families or wealth, their sacrifices are amazing, leaving the viewer wondering just how much we truly love Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him).
Our Beginning... Our End...
Shaykh Khalid Yasin provides a beautiful description of the amazing creation of human life - from the embryo in the womb, to its astonishing development. Miraculously, the Glorious Qur'an gives exact details of this opening stage of life, a process that has only just recently been discovered by scientists. Glory be to Allah - Creator of all that exists in the universe.
Some Advice To The Muslim Women
By Khalid Yasin. This lecture is a vital one to watch, for both sisters and brothers. Shaykh Khalid Yasin goes through many important topics, such as the rights and responsibilities of the wife to husband and vice-versa, the controversial issue of polygamy (multiple marriage) - the wisdom and legitimacy behind it and much more. The Shaykh also gives lots of advice for a successful and happy marriage.
What is True Success In Life
By Khalid Yasin. Is true success in life achieving fame and fortune? Evidently not, as we constantly hear stories of famous people who experience depression, use drugs, and even commit suicide. Money did not buy them happiness after all, as many believe. The West, so-called advanced nations have the highest rate of suicide, divorce, drug and alcohol abuse, and many other social problems all because they wish to forget and escape the miseries of their life - hopelessly attempting to obtain happiness. In this lecture, Shaykh Khalid Yasin reveals that true success in life is knowing your purpose on earth and where your ultimate destination is. The grave can't be the end
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